Online Subset Selection using α-Core with no Augmented Regret

by   Sourav Sahoo, et al.

We consider the problem of sequential sparse subset selections in an online learning setup. Assume that the set [N] consists of N distinct elements. On the t^th round, a monotone reward function f_t: 2^[N]→ℝ_+, which assigns a non-negative reward to each subset of [N], is revealed to a learner. The learner selects (perhaps randomly) a subset S_t ⊆ [N] of k elements before the reward function f_t for that round is revealed (k ≤ N). As a consequence of its choice, the learner receives a reward of f_t(S_t) on the t^th round. The learner's goal is to design an online subset selection policy to maximize its expected cumulative reward accrued over a given time horizon. In this connection, we propose an online learning policy called SCore (Subset Selection with Core) that solves the problem for a large class of reward functions. The proposed SCore policy is based on a new concept of α-Core, which is a generalization of the notion of Core from the cooperative game theory literature. We establish a learning guarantee for the SCore policy in terms of a new performance metric called α-augmented regret. In this new metric, the power of the offline benchmark is suitably augmented compared to the online policy. We give several illustrative examples to show that a broad class of reward functions, including submodular, can be efficiently learned with the SCore policy. We also outline how the SCore policy can be used under a semi-bandit feedback model and conclude the paper with a number of open problems.


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