Online Mutual Adaptation of Deep Depth Prediction and Visual SLAM

by   Shing Yan Loo, et al.

The ability of accurate depth prediction by a CNN is a major challenge for its wide use in practical visual SLAM applications, such as enhanced camera tracking and dense mapping. This paper is set out to answer the following question: Can we tune a depth prediction CNN with the help of a visual SLAM algorithm even if the CNN is not trained for the current operating environment in order to benefit the SLAM performance? To this end, we propose a novel online adaptation framework consisting of two complementary processes: a SLAM algorithm that is used to generate keyframes to fine-tune the depth prediction and another algorithm that uses the online adapted depth to improve map quality. Once the potential noisy map points are removed, we perform global photometric bundle adjustment (BA) to improve the overall SLAM performance. Experimental results on both benchmark datasets and a real robot in our own experimental environments show that our proposed method improves the overall SLAM accuracy. We demonstrate the use of regularization in the training loss as an effective means to prevent catastrophic forgetting. In addition, we compare our online adaptation framework against the state-of-the-art pre-trained depth prediction CNNs to show that our online adapted depth prediction CNN outperforms the depth prediction CNNs that have been trained on a large collection of datasets.


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