Online Graph Algorithms with Predictions

by   Yossi Azar, et al.

Online algorithms with predictions is a popular and elegant framework for bypassing pessimistic lower bounds in competitive analysis. In this model, online algorithms are supplied with future predictions, and the goal is for the competitive ratio to smoothly interpolate between the best offline and online bounds as a function of the prediction error. In this paper, we study online graph problems with predictions. Our contributions are the following: * The first question is defining prediction error. For graph/metric problems, there can be two types of error, locations that are not predicted, and locations that are predicted but the predicted and actual locations do not coincide exactly. We design a novel definition of prediction error called metric error with outliers to simultaneously capture both types of errors, which thereby generalizes previous definitions of error that only capture one of the two error types. * We give a general framework for obtaining online algorithms with predictions that combines, in a "black box" fashion, existing online and offline algorithms, under certain technical conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first general-purpose tool for obtaining online algorithms with predictions. * Using our framework, we obtain tight bounds on the competitive ratio of several classical graph problems as a function of metric error with outliers: Steiner tree, Steiner forest, priority Steiner tree/forest, and uncapacitated/capacitated facility location. Both the definition of metric error with outliers and the general framework for combining offline and online algorithms are not specific to the problems that we consider in this paper. We hope that these will be useful for future work in this domain.


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