One Weird Trick Tightens the Quantum Adversary Bound, Especially for Success Probability Close to 1/2
The textbook adversary bound for function evaluation states that to evaluate a function f D→ C with success probability 1/2+δ in the quantum query model, one needs at least ( 2δ -√(1-4δ^2)) Adv(f) queries, where Adv(f) is the optimal value of a certain optimization problem. For δ≪ 1, this only allows for a bound of Θ(δ^2 Adv(f)) even after a repetition-and-majority-voting argument. In contrast, the polynomial method can sometimes prove a bound that doesn't converge to 0 as δ→ 0. We improve the δ-dependent prefactor and achieve a bound of 2δ Adv(f). The proof idea is to "turn the output condition into an input condition": From an algorithm that transforms perfectly input-independent initial to imperfectly distinguishable final states, we construct one that transforms imperfectly input-independent initial to perfectly distinguishable final states in the same number of queries by projecting onto the "correct" final subspaces and uncomputing. The resulting δ-dependent condition on initial Gram matrices, compared to the original algorithm's condition on final Gram matrices, allows deriving the tightened prefactor.