One Representative-Shot Learning Using a Population-Driven Template with Application to Brain Connectivity Classification and Evolution Prediction

by   Umut Guvercin, et al.

Few-shot learning presents a challenging paradigm for training discriminative models on a few training samples representing the target classes to discriminate. However, classification methods based on deep learning are ill-suited for such learning as they need large amounts of training data –let alone one-shot learning. Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) have been introduced to the field of network neuroscience, where the brain connectivity is encoded in a graph. However, with scarce neuroimaging datasets particularly for rare diseases and low-resource clinical facilities, such data-devouring architectures might fail in learning the target task. In this paper, we take a very different approach in training GNNs, where we aim to learn with one sample and achieve the best performance –a formidable challenge to tackle. Specifically, we present the first one-shot paradigm where a GNN is trained on a single population-driven template –namely a connectional brain template (CBT). A CBT is a compact representation of a population of brain graphs capturing the unique connectivity patterns shared across individuals. It is analogous to brain image atlases for neuroimaging datasets. Using a one-representative CBT as a training sample, we alleviate the training load of GNN models while boosting their performance across a variety of classification and regression tasks. We demonstrate that our method significantly outperformed benchmark one-shot learning methods with downstream classification and time-dependent brain graph data forecasting tasks while competing with the train-on-all conventional training strategy. Our source code can be found at


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