On the Synergies between Machine Learning and Stereo: a Survey
Stereo matching is one of the longest-standing problems in computer vision with close to 40 years of studies and research. Throughout the years the paradigm has shifted from local, pixel-level decision to various forms of discrete and continuous optimization to data-driven, learning-based methods. Recently, the rise of machine learning and the rapid proliferation of deep learning enhanced stereo matching with new exciting trends and applications unthinkable until a few years ago. Interestingly, the relationship between these two worlds is two-way. While machine, and especially deep, learning advanced the state-of-the-art in stereo matching, stereo matching enabled new ground-breaking methodologies such as self-supervised monocular depth estimation based on deep neural networks. In this paper, we review recent research in the field of learning-based depth estimation from images highlighting the synergies, the successes achieved so far and the open challenges the community is going to face in the immediate future.