On the sojourn time of a batch in the M^[X]/M/1 Processor Sharing Queue

by   Fabrice Guillemin, et al.

In this paper, we analyze the sojourn of an entire batch in a processor sharing M^[X]/M/1 processor queue, where geometrically distributed batches arrive according to a Poisson process and jobs require exponential service times. By conditioning on the number of jobs in the systems and the number of jobs in a tagged batch, we establish recurrence relations between conditional sojourn times, which subsequently allow us to derive a partial differential equation for an associated bivariate generating function. This equation involves an unknown generating function, whose coefficients can be computed by solving an infinite lower triangular linear system. Once this unknown function is determined, we compute the Laplace transform and the mean value of the sojourn time of a batch in the system.


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