On the Sample Complexity of Actor-Critic Method for Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation

by   Harshat Kumar, et al.

Reinforcement learning, mathematically described by Markov Decision Problems, may be approached either through dynamic programming or policy search. Actor-critic algorithms combine the merits of both approaches by alternating between steps to estimate the value function and policy gradient updates. Due to the fact that the updates exhibit correlated noise and biased gradient updates, only the asymptotic behavior of actor-critic is known by connecting its behavior to dynamical systems. This work puts forth a new variant of actor-critic that employs Monte Carlo rollouts during the policy search updates, which results in controllable bias that depends on the number of critic evaluations. As a result, we are able to provide for the first time the convergence rate of actor-critic algorithms when the policy search step employs policy gradient, agnostic to the choice of policy evaluation technique. In particular, we establish conditions under which the sample complexity is comparable to stochastic gradient method for non-convex problems or slower as a result of the critic estimation error, which is the main complexity bottleneck. These results hold for in continuous state and action spaces with linear function approximation for the value function. We then specialize these conceptual results to the case where the critic is estimated by Temporal Difference, Gradient Temporal Difference, and Accelerated Gradient Temporal Difference. These learning rates are then corroborated on a navigation problem involving an obstacle, which suggests that learning more slowly may lead to improved limit points, providing insight into the interplay between optimization and generalization in reinforcement learning.


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