On the Generic Capacity of K-User Symmetric Linear Computation Broadcast

by   Yuhang Yao, et al.

Linear computation broadcast (LCBC) refers to a setting with d dimensional data stored at a central server, where K users, each with some prior linear side-information, wish to retrieve various linear combinations of the data. The goal is to determine the minimum amount of information that must be broadcast to satisfy all the users. The reciprocal of the optimal broadcast cost is the capacity of LCBC. The capacity is known for up to K=3 users. Since LCBC includes index coding as a special case, large K settings of LCBC are at least as hard as the index coding problem. Instead of the general setting (all instances), by focusing on the generic setting (almost all instances) this work shows that the generic capacity of the symmetric LCBC (where every user has m' dimensions of side-information and m dimensions of demand) for large number of users (K>d suffices) is C_g=1/Δ_g, where Δ_g=min{max{0,d-m'}, Km, dm/m+m'} is the broadcast cost that is both achievable and unbeatable asymptotically almost surely for large n, among all LCBC instances with the given parameters p,K,d,m,m'. Relative to baseline schemes of random coding or separate transmissions, C_g shows an extremal gain by a factor of K as a function of number of users, and by a factor of ≈ d/4 as a function of data dimensions, when optimized over remaining parameters. For arbitrary number of users, the generic capacity of the symmetric LCBC is characterized within a factor of 2.


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