On the Extremal Functions of Acyclic Forbidden 0-1 Matrices

by   Seth Pettie, et al.

The extremal theory of forbidden 0-1 matrices studies the asymptotic growth of the function Ex(P,n), which is the maximum weight of a matrix A∈{0,1}^n× n whose submatrices avoid a fixed pattern P∈{0,1}^k× l. This theory has been wildly successful at resolving problems in combinatorics, discrete and computational geometry, structural graph theory, and the analysis of data structures, particularly corollaries of the dynamic optimality conjecture. All these applications use acyclic patterns, meaning that when P is regarded as the adjacency matrix of a bipartite graph, the graph is acyclic. The biggest open problem in this area is to bound Ex(P,n) for acyclic P. Prior results have only ruled out the strict O(nlog n) bound conjectured by Furedi and Hajnal. It is consistent with prior results that ∀ P. Ex(P,n)≤ nlog^1+o(1) n, and also consistent that ∀ϵ>0.∃ P. Ex(P,n) ≥ n^2-ϵ. In this paper we establish a stronger lower bound on the extremal functions of acyclic P. Specifically, we give a new construction of relatively dense 0-1 matrices with Θ(n(log n/loglog n)^t) 1s that avoid an acyclic X_t. Pach and Tardos have conjectured that this type of result is the best possible, i.e., no acyclic P exists for which Ex(P,n)≥ n(log n)^ω(1).


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