On the Edge Crossings of the Greedy Spanner

by   David Eppstein, et al.

t-spanners are used to approximate the pairwise distances between a set of points in a metric space. They have only a few edges compared to the total number of pairs and they provide a t-approximation on the distance of any two arbitrary points. There are many ways to construct such graphs and one of the most efficient ones, in terms of weight and the number of edges of the resulting graph, is the greedy spanner. In this paper, we study the edge crossings of the greedy spanner for points in the Euclidean plane. We prove a constant upper bound for the number of intersections with larger edges that only depends on the stretch factor of the spanner, t, and we show there can be more than a bounded number of intersections with smaller edges. Our results imply that greedy spanners for points in the plane have separators of size π’ͺ(√(n)), that their planarizations have linear size, and that a separator hierarchy for these graphs can be constructed from their planarizations in linear time.


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