On the convex hull of convex quadratic optimization problems with indicators
We consider the convex quadratic optimization problem with indicator variables and arbitrary constraints on the indicators. We show that a convex hull description of the associated mixed-integer set in an extended space with a quadratic number of additional variables consists of a single positive semidefinite constraint (explicitly stated) and linear constraints. In particular, convexification of this class of problems reduces to describing a polyhedral set in an extended formulation. We also give descriptions in the original space of variables: we provide a description based on an infinite number of conic-quadratic inequalities, which are "finitely generated." In particular, it is possible to characterize whether a given inequality is necessary to describe the convex-hull. The new theory presented here unifies several previously established results, and paves the way toward utilizing polyhedral methods to analyze the convex hull of mixed-integer nonlinear sets.