On the Applicability of Synthetic Data for Re-Identification

by   Jérôme Rutinowski, et al.

This contribution demonstrates the feasibility of applying Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) on images of EPAL pallet blocks for dataset enhancement in the context of re-identification. For many industrial applications of re-identification methods, datasets of sufficient volume would otherwise be unattainable in non-laboratory settings. Using a state-of-the-art GAN architecture, namely CycleGAN, images of pallet blocks rotated to their left-hand side were generated from images of visually centered pallet blocks, based on images of rotated pallet blocks that were recorded as part of a previously recorded and published dataset. In this process, the unique chipwood pattern of the pallet block surface structure was retained, only changing the orientation of the pallet block itself. By doing so, synthetic data for re-identification testing and training purposes was generated, in a manner that is distinct from ordinary data augmentation. In total, 1,004 new images of pallet blocks were generated. The quality of the generated images was gauged using a perspective classifier that was trained on the original images and then applied to the synthetic ones, comparing the accuracy between the two sets of images. The classification accuracy was 98 the synthetic images. In addition, the generated images were also used in a re-identification task, in order to re-identify original images based on synthetic ones. The accuracy in this scenario was up to 88 images, compared to 96 established, whether or not a generated pallet block image closely resembles its original counterpart.


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