On Solving Cooperative MARL Problems with a Few Good Experiences

by   Rajiv Ranjan Kumar, et al.

Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is crucial for cooperative decentralized decision learning in many domains such as search and rescue, drone surveillance, package delivery and fire fighting problems. In these domains, a key challenge is learning with a few good experiences, i.e., positive reinforcements are obtained only in a few situations (e.g., on extinguishing a fire or tracking a crime or delivering a package) and in most other situations there is zero or negative reinforcement. Learning decisions with a few good experiences is extremely challenging in cooperative MARL problems due to three reasons. First, compared to the single agent case, exploration is harder as multiple agents have to be coordinated to receive a good experience. Second, environment is not stationary as all the agents are learning at the same time (and hence change policies). Third, scale of problem increases significantly with every additional agent. Relevant existing work is extensive and has focussed on dealing with a few good experiences in single-agent RL problems or on scalable approaches for handling non-stationarity in MARL problems. Unfortunately, neither of these approaches (or their extensions) are able to address the problem of sparse good experiences effectively. Therefore, we provide a novel fictitious self imitation approach that is able to simultaneously handle non-stationarity and sparse good experiences in a scalable manner. Finally, we provide a thorough comparison (experimental or descriptive) against relevant cooperative MARL algorithms to demonstrate the utility of our approach.


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