On Optimal Locally Repairable Codes and Generalized Sector-Disk Codes

by   Han Cai, et al.

Optimal locally repairable codes with information locality are considered. Optimal codes are constructed, whose length is also order-optimal with respect to a new bound on the code length derived in this paper. The length of the constructed codes is super-linear in the alphabet size, which improves upon the well known pyramid codes, whose length is only linear in the alphabet size. The recoverable erasure patterns are also analyzed for the new codes. Based on the recoverable erasure patterns, we construct generalized sector-disk (GSD) codes, which can recover from disk erasures mixed with sector erasures in a more general setting than known sector-disk (SD) codes. Additionally, the number of sectors in the constructed GSD codes is super-linear in the alphabet size, compared with known SD codes, whose number of sectors is only linear in the alphabet size.


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