On identifying unobserved heterogeneity in stochastic blockmodel graphs with vertex covariates

by   Cong Mu, et al.

Both observed and unobserved vertex heterogeneity can influence block structure in graphs. To assess these effects on block recovery, we present a comparative analysis of two model-based spectral algorithms for clustering vertices in stochastic blockmodel graphs with vertex covariates. The first algorithm directly estimates the induced block assignments by investigating the estimated block connectivity probability matrix including the vertex covariate effect. The second algorithm estimates the vertex covariate effect and then estimates the induced block assignments after accounting for this effect. We employ Chernoff information to analytically compare the algorithms' performance and derive the Chernoff ratio formula for some special models of interest. Analytic results and simulations suggest that, in general, the second algorithm is preferred: we can better estimate the induced block assignments by first estimating the vertex covariate effect. In addition, real data experiments on a diffusion MRI connectome data set indicate that the second algorithm has the advantages of revealing underlying block structure and taking observed vertex heterogeneity into account in real applications. Our findings emphasize the importance of distinguishing between observed and unobserved factors that can affect block structure in graphs.


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