On enhancing the robustness of Vision Transformers: Defensive Diffusion

by   Raza Imam, et al.

Privacy and confidentiality of medical data are of utmost importance in healthcare settings. ViTs, the SOTA vision model, rely on large amounts of patient data for training, which raises concerns about data security and the potential for unauthorized access. Adversaries may exploit vulnerabilities in ViTs to extract sensitive patient information and compromising patient privacy. This work address these vulnerabilities to ensure the trustworthiness and reliability of ViTs in medical applications. In this work, we introduced a defensive diffusion technique as an adversarial purifier to eliminate adversarial noise introduced by attackers in the original image. By utilizing the denoising capabilities of the diffusion model, we employ a reverse diffusion process to effectively eliminate the adversarial noise from the attack sample, resulting in a cleaner image that is then fed into the ViT blocks. Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the diffusion model in eliminating attack-agnostic adversarial noise from images. Additionally, we propose combining knowledge distillation with our framework to obtain a lightweight student model that is both computationally efficient and robust against gray box attacks. Comparison of our method with a SOTA baseline method, SEViT, shows that our work is able to outperform the baseline. Extensive experiments conducted on a publicly available Tuberculosis X-ray dataset validate the computational efficiency and improved robustness achieved by our proposed architecture.


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