On Distributed Listing of Cliques

by   Keren Censor-Hillel, et al.

We show an Õ(n^p/(p+2))-round algorithm in the model for listing of K_p (a clique with p nodes), for all p =4, p≥ 6. For p = 5, we show an Õ(n^3/4)-round algorithm. For p=4 and p=5, our results improve upon the previous state-of-the-art of O(n^5/6+o(1)) and O(n^21/22+o(1)), respectively, by Eden et al. [DISC 2019]. For all p≥ 6, ours is the first sub-linear round algorithm for K_p listing. We leverage the recent expander decomposition algorithm of Chang et al. [SODA 2019] to create clusters with a good mixing time. Three key novelties in our algorithm are: (1) we carefully iterate our listing process with coupled values of min-degree within the clusters and arboricity outside the clusters, (2) all the listing is done within the cluster, which necessitates new techniques for bringing into the cluster the information about all edges that can potentially form K_p instances with the cluster edges, and (3) within each cluster we use a sparsity-aware listing algorithm, which is faster than a general listing algorithm and which we can allow the cluster to use since we make sure to sparsify the graph as the iterations proceed. As a byproduct of our algorithm, we show an optimal sparsity-aware algorithm for K_p listing, which runs in Θ̃(1 + m/n^1 + 2/p) rounds in the model. Previously, Pandurangan et al. [SPAA 2018], Chang et al. [SODA 2019], and Censor-Hillel et al. [TCS 2020] showed sparsity-aware algorithms for the case of p = 3, yet ours is the first such sparsity aware algorithm for p ≥ 4.


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