On-Chip CNN Accelerator for Image Super-Resolution
To implement convolutional neural networks (CNN) in hardware, the state-of-the-art CNN accelerators pipeline computation and data transfer stages using an off-chip memory and simultaneously execute them on the same timeline. However, since a large amount of feature maps generated during the operation should be transmitted to the off-chip memory, the pipeline stage length is determined by the off-chip data transfer stage. Fusion architectures that can fuse multiple layers have been proposed to solve this problem, but applications such as super-resolution (SR) require a large amount of an on-chip memory because of the high resolution of the feature maps. In this paper, we propose a novel on-chip CNN accelerator for SR to optimize the CNN dataflow in the on-chip memory. First, the convolution loop optimization technique is proposed to prevent using a frame buffer. Second, we develop a combined convolutional layer processor to reduce the buffer size used to store the feature maps. Third, we explore how to perform low-cost multiply-and-accumulate operations in the deconvolutional layer used in SR. Finally, we propose a two-stage quantization algorithm to select the optimized hardware size for the limited number of DSPs to implement the on-chip CNN accelerator. We evaluate our proposed accelerator with FSRCNN, which is most popular as the CNN-based SR algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed accelerator requires 9.21ms to achieve an output image with the 2560x1440 pixel resolution, which is 36 times faster than the conventional method. In addition, we reduce the on-chip memory usage and DSP usage by 4 times and 1.44 times, respectively, compared to the conventional methods.