Offensive Language and Hate Speech Detection with Deep Learning and Transfer Learning

by   Bencheng Wei, et al.

Toxic online speech has become a crucial problem nowadays due to an exponential increase in the use of internet by people from different cultures and educational backgrounds. Differentiating if a text message belongs to hate speech and offensive language is a key challenge in automatic detection of toxic text content. In this paper, we propose an approach to automatically classify tweets into three classes: Hate, offensive and Neither. Using public tweet data set, we first perform experiments to build BI-LSTM models from empty embedding and then we also try the same neural network architecture with pre-trained Glove embedding. Next, we introduce a transfer learning approach for hate speech detection using an existing pre-trained language model BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), DistilBert (Distilled version of BERT) and GPT-2 (Generative Pre-Training). We perform hyper parameters tuning analysis of our best model (BI-LSTM) considering different neural network architectures, learn-ratings and normalization methods etc. After tuning the model and with the best combination of parameters, we achieve over 92 percent accuracy upon evaluating it on test data. We also create a class module which contains main functionality including text classification, sentiment checking and text data augmentation. This model could serve as an intermediate module between user and Twitter.


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