Object-oriented mapping in dynamic environments

by   Matti Pekkanen, et al.

Grid maps, especially occupancy grid maps, are ubiquitous in many mobile robot applications. To simplify the process of learning the map, grid maps subdivide the world into a grid of cells, whose occupancies are independently estimated using only measurements in the perceptual field of the particular cell. However, the world consists of objects that span multiple cells, which means that measurements falling onto a cell provide evidence on the occupancy of other cells belonging to the same object. This correlation is not captured by current models. In this work, we present a way to generalize the update of grid maps relaxing the assumption of independence by modeling the relationship between the measurements and the occupancy of each cell as a set of latent variables, and jointly estimating those variables and the posterior of the map. Additionally, we propose a method to estimate the latent variables by clustering based on semantic labels and an extension to the Normal Distributions Transfer Occupancy Map (NDT-OM) to facilitate the proposed map update method. We perform comprehensive experiments of map creation and localization with real world data sets, and show that the proposed method creates better maps in highly dynamic environments compared to state-of-the-art methods. Finally, we demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to remove occluded objects from the map in a lifelong map update scenario.


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