NUMSnet: Nested-U Multi-class Segmentation network for 3D Medical Image Stacks

by   Sohini Roychowdhury, et al.

Semantic segmentation for medical 3D image stacks enables accurate volumetric reconstructions, computer-aided diagnostics and follow up treatment planning. In this work, we present a novel variant of the Unet model called the NUMSnet that transmits pixel neighborhood features across scans through nested layers to achieve accurate multi-class semantic segmentations with minimal training data. We analyze the semantic segmentation performance of the NUMSnet model in comparison with several Unet model variants to segment 3-7 regions of interest using only 10 stacks. The proposed NUMSnet model achieves up to 20 segmentation recall with 4-9 2.5-10 Unet++ model. The NUMSnet model needs to be trained by ordered images around the central scan of each volumetric stack. Propagation of image feature information from the 6 nested layers of the Unet++ model are found to have better computation and segmentation performances than propagation of all up-sampling layers in a Unet++ model. The NUMSnet model achieves comparable segmentation performances to existing works, while being trained on as low as 5% of the training images. Also, transfer learning allows faster convergence of the NUMSnet model for multi-class semantic segmentation from pathology in Lung-CT images to cardiac segmentations in Heart-CT stacks. Thus, the proposed model can standardize multi-class semantic segmentation on a variety of volumetric image stacks with minimal training dataset. This can significantly reduce the cost, time and inter-observer variabilities associated with computer-aided detections and treatment.


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