Numerics on the trajectory of nodule displacements by external compressions of the breast

We present a fast and reliable algorithm that gives precise location of breast tumours for a partial mastectomy. Our algorithm is fully implemented in the Surface Evolver, which is a general-purpose simulator of physical experiments. By starting from the X-rays images that show a tumour one takes its 2D coordinates in each view. These views are called CC (Craniocaudal) and MLO (Mediolateral Oblique). Together with some measurements of the patient's breast, that coordinates are given as input to our simulator. From this point on the simulator reproduces all main steps of taking mammography with a virtual transparent breast that matches the patient's. The virtual mammography procedure is graphically displayed on the computer screen, so that users can track the virtual tumour inside the breast. As output we have the coordinates of the tumour position when the woman lies on the operating table for the surgery. With these coordinates the surgeon can make a small incision into the breast and reach the tumour for its removal. After a simple plastic correction the whole structure of the breast will be preserved.


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