Node-Connectivity Terminal Backup, Separately-Capacitated Multiflow, and Discrete Convexity

by   Hiroshi Hirai, et al.

The terminal backup problems (Anshelevich and Karagiozova (2011)) form a class of network design problems: Given an undirected graph with a requirement on terminals, the goal is to find a minimum cost subgraph satisfying the connectivity requirement. The node-connectivity terminal backup problem requires a terminal to connect other terminals with a number of node-disjoint paths. This problem is not known whether is NP-hard or tractable. Fukunaga (2016) gave a 4/3-approximation algorithm based on LP-rounding scheme using a general LP-solver. In this paper, we develop a combinatorial algorithm for the relaxed LP to find a half-integral optimal solution in O(mlog (nUA)·MF(kn,m+k^2n)) time, where n is the number of nodes, m is the number of edges, k is the number of terminals, A is the maximum edge-cost, U is the maximum edge-capacity, and MF(n',m') is the time complexity of a max-flow algorithm in a network with n' nodes and m' edges. The algorithm implies that the 4/3-approximation algorithm for the node-connectivity terminal backup problem is also efficiently implemented. For the design of algorithm, we explore a connection between the node-connectivity terminal backup problem and a new type of a multiflow, called a separately-capacitated multiflow. We show a min-max theorem which extends Lovász-Cherkassky theorem to the node-capacity setting. Our results build on discrete convexity in the node-connectivity terminal backup problem.


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