NeuralClothSim: Neural Deformation Fields Meet the Kirchhoff-Love Thin Shell Theory

by   Navami Kairanda, et al.

Cloth simulation is an extensively studied problem, with a plethora of solutions available in computer graphics literature. Existing cloth simulators produce realistic cloth deformations that obey different types of boundary conditions. Nevertheless, their operational principle remains limited in several ways: They operate on explicit surface representations with a fixed spatial resolution, perform a series of discretised updates (which bounds their temporal resolution), and require comparably large amounts of storage. Moreover, back-propagating gradients through the existing solvers is often not straightforward, which poses additional challenges when integrating them into modern neural architectures. In response to the limitations mentioned above, this paper takes a fundamentally different perspective on physically-plausible cloth simulation and re-thinks this long-standing problem: We propose NeuralClothSim, i.e., a new cloth simulation approach using thin shells, in which surface evolution is encoded in neural network weights. Our memory-efficient and differentiable solver operates on a new continuous coordinate-based representation of dynamic surfaces, i.e., neural deformation fields (NDFs); it supervises NDF evolution with the rules of the non-linear Kirchhoff-Love shell theory. NDFs are adaptive in the sense that they 1) allocate their capacity to the deformation details as the latter arise during the cloth evolution and 2) allow surface state queries at arbitrary spatial and temporal resolutions without retraining. We show how to train our NeuralClothSim solver while imposing hard boundary conditions and demonstrate multiple applications, such as material interpolation and simulation editing. The experimental results highlight the effectiveness of our formulation and its potential impact.


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