Neural Network Model Extraction Attacks in Edge Devices by Hearing Architectural Hints

by   Xing Hu, et al.

As neural networks continue their reach into nearly every aspect of software operations, the details of those networks become an increasingly sensitive subject. Even those that deploy neural networks embedded in physical devices may wish to keep the inner working of their designs hidden – either to protect their intellectual property or as a form of protection from adversarial inputs. The specific problem we address is how, through heavy system stack, given noisy and imperfect memory traces, one might reconstruct the neural network architecture including the set of layers employed, their connectivity, and their respective dimension sizes. Considering both the intra-layer architecture features and the inter-layer temporal association information introduced by the DNN design empirical experience, we draw upon ideas from speech recognition to solve this problem. We show that off-chip memory address traces and PCIe events provide ample information to reconstruct such neural network architectures accurately. We are the first to propose such accurate model extraction techniques and demonstrate an end-to-end attack experimentally in the context of an off-the-shelf Nvidia GPU platform with full system stack. Results show that the proposed techniques achieve a high reverse engineering accuracy and improve the one's ability to conduct targeted adversarial attack with success rate from 14.6%∼25.5% (without network architecture knowledge) to 75.9% (with extracted network architecture).


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