Neural Deformable Models for 3D Bi-Ventricular Heart Shape Reconstruction and Modeling from 2D Sparse Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

by   Meng Ye, et al.

We propose a novel neural deformable model (NDM) targeting at the reconstruction and modeling of 3D bi-ventricular shape of the heart from 2D sparse cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging data. We model the bi-ventricular shape using blended deformable superquadrics, which are parameterized by a set of geometric parameter functions and are capable of deforming globally and locally. While global geometric parameter functions and deformations capture gross shape features from visual data, local deformations, parameterized as neural diffeomorphic point flows, can be learned to recover the detailed heart shape.Different from iterative optimization methods used in conventional deformable model formulations, NDMs can be trained to learn such geometric parameter functions, global and local deformations from a shape distribution manifold. Our NDM can learn to densify a sparse cardiac point cloud with arbitrary scales and generate high-quality triangular meshes automatically. It also enables the implicit learning of dense correspondences among different heart shape instances for accurate cardiac shape registration. Furthermore, the parameters of NDM are intuitive, and can be used by a physician without sophisticated post-processing. Experimental results on a large CMR dataset demonstrate the improved performance of NDM over conventional methods.


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