Neural Conversational QA: Learning to Reason v.s. Exploiting Patterns
In this paper we work on the recently introduced ShARC task - a challenging form of conversational QA that requires reasoning over rules expressed in natural language. Attuned to the risk of superficial patterns in data being exploited by neural models to do well on benchmark tasks (Niven and Kao 2019), we conduct a series of probing experiments and demonstrate how current state-of-the-art models rely heavily on such patterns. To prevent models from learning based on the superficial clues, we modify the dataset by automatically generating new instances reducing the occurrences of those patterns. We also present a simple yet effective model that learns embedding representations to incorporate dialog history along with the previous answers to follow-up questions. We find that our model outperforms existing methods on all metrics, and the results show that the proposed model is more robust in dealing with spurious patterns and learns to reason meaningfully.