Network-based Statistics Distinguish Anomic and Broca Aphasia

by   Xingpei Zhao, et al.

Aphasia is a speech-language impairment commonly caused by damage to the left hemisphere. Due to the complexity of speech-language processing, the neural mechanisms that underpin various symptoms between different types of aphasia are still not fully understood. We used the network-based statistic method to identify distinct subnetwork(s) of connections differentiating the resting-state functional networks of the anomic and Broca groups. We identified one such subnetwork that mainly involved the brain regions in the premotor, primary motor, primary auditory, and primary sensory cortices in both hemispheres. The majority of connections in the subnetwork were weaker in the Broca group than the anomic group. The network properties of the subnetwork were examined through complex network measures, which indicated that the regions in the superior temporal gyrus and auditory cortex bilaterally exhibit intensive interaction, and primary motor, premotor and primary sensory cortices in the left hemisphere play an important role in information flow and overall communication efficiency. These findings underlied articulatory difficulties and reduced repetition performance in Broca aphasia, which are rarely observed in anomic aphasia. This research provides novel findings into the resting-state brain network differences between groups of individuals with anomic and Broca aphasia. We identified a subnetwork of, rather than isolated, connections that statistically differentiate the resting-state brain networks of the two groups, in comparison with standard lesion symptom mapping results that yield isolated connections.


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