Multiplicative update rules for accelerating deep learning training and increasing robustness

by   Manos Kirtas, et al.

Even nowadays, where Deep Learning (DL) has achieved state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of research domains, accelerating training and building robust DL models remains a challenging task. To this end, generations of researchers have pursued to develop robust methods for training DL architectures that can be less sensitive to weight distributions, model architectures and loss landscapes. However, such methods are limited to adaptive learning rate optimizers, initialization schemes, and clipping gradients without investigating the fundamental rule of parameters update. Although multiplicative updates have contributed significantly to the early development of machine learning and hold strong theoretical claims, to best of our knowledge, this is the first work that investigate them in context of DL training acceleration and robustness. In this work, we propose an optimization framework that fits to a wide range of optimization algorithms and enables one to apply alternative update rules. To this end, we propose a novel multiplicative update rule and we extend their capabilities by combining it with a traditional additive update term, under a novel hybrid update method. We claim that the proposed framework accelerates training, while leading to more robust models in contrast to traditionally used additive update rule and we experimentally demonstrate their effectiveness in a wide range of task and optimization methods. Such tasks ranging from convex and non-convex optimization to difficult image classification benchmarks applying a wide range of traditionally used optimization methods and Deep Neural Network (DNN) architectures.


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