Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration with Accuracy Estimation at Local and Global Scales

by   M. L. Uss, et al.

This paper focuses on potential accuracy of remote sensing images registration. We investigate how this accuracy can be estimated without ground truth available and used to improve registration quality of mono- and multi-modal pair of images. At the local scale of image fragments, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) on registration error is estimated for each local correspondence between coarsely registered pair of images. This CRLB is defined by local image texture and noise properties. Opposite to the standard approach, where registration accuracy is only evaluated at the output of the registration process, such valuable information is used by us as an additional input knowledge. It greatly helps detecting and discarding outliers and refining the estimation of geometrical transformation model parameters. Based on these ideas, a new area-based registration method called RAE (Registration with Accuracy Estimation) is proposed. In addition to its ability to automatically register very complex multimodal image pairs with high accuracy, the RAE method provides registration accuracy at the global scale as covariance matrix of estimation error of geometrical transformation model parameters or as point-wise registration Standard Deviation. This accuracy does not depend on any ground truth availability and characterizes each pair of registered images individually. Thus, the RAE method can identify image areas for which a predefined registration accuracy is guaranteed. The RAE method is proved successful with reaching subpixel accuracy while registering eight complex mono/multimodal and multitemporal image pairs including optical to optical, optical to radar, optical to Digital Elevation Model (DEM) images and DEM to radar cases. Other methods employed in comparisons fail to provide in a stable manner accurate results on the same test cases.


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