Multimodal Indoor Localisation in Parkinson's Disease for Detecting Medication Use: Observational Pilot Study in a Free-Living Setting

by   Ferdian Jovan, et al.

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a slowly progressive, debilitating neurodegenerative disease which causes motor symptoms including gait dysfunction. Motor fluctuations are alterations between periods with a positive response to levodopa therapy ("on") and periods marked by re-emergency of PD symptoms ("off") as the response to medication wears off. These fluctuations often affect gait speed and they increase in their disabling impact as PD progresses. To improve the effectiveness of current indoor localisation methods, a transformer-based approach utilising dual modalities which provide complementary views of movement, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and accelerometer data from wearable devices, is proposed. A sub-objective aims to evaluate whether indoor localisation, including its in-home gait speed features (i.e. the time taken to walk between rooms), could be used to evaluate motor fluctuations by detecting whether the person with PD is taking levodopa medications or withholding them. To properly evaluate our proposed method, we use a free-living dataset where the movements and mobility are greatly varied and unstructured as expected in real-world conditions. 24 participants lived in pairs (consisting of one person with PD, one control) for five days in a smart home with various sensors. Our evaluation on the resulting dataset demonstrates that our proposed network outperforms other methods for indoor localisation. The sub-objective evaluation shows that precise room-level localisation predictions, transformed into in-home gait speed features, produce accurate predictions on whether the PD participant is taking or withholding their medications.


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