Multimodal Crop Type Classification Fusing Multi-Spectral Satellite Time Series with Farmers Crop Rotations and Local Crop Distribution

by   Valentin Barriere, et al.

Accurate, detailed, and timely crop type mapping is a very valuable information for the institutions in order to create more accurate policies according to the needs of the citizens. In the last decade, the amount of available data dramatically increased, whether it can come from Remote Sensing (using Copernicus Sentinel-2 data) or directly from the farmers (providing in-situ crop information throughout the years and information on crop rotation). Nevertheless, the majority of the studies are restricted to the use of one modality (Remote Sensing data or crop rotation) and never fuse the Earth Observation data with domain knowledge like crop rotations. Moreover, when they use Earth Observation data they are mainly restrained to one year of data, not taking into account the past years. In this context, we propose to tackle a land use and crop type classification task using three data types, by using a Hierarchical Deep Learning algorithm modeling the crop rotations like a language model, the satellite signals like a speech signal and using the crop distribution as additional context vector. We obtained very promising results compared to classical approaches with significant performances, increasing the Accuracy by 5.1 points in a 28-class setting (.948), and the micro-F1 by 9.6 points in a 10-class setting (.887) using only a set of crop of interests selected by an expert. We finally proposed a data-augmentation technique to allow the model to classify the crop before the end of the season, which works surprisingly well in a multimodal setting.


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