Multimodal Approaches for Indoor Localization for Ambient Assisted Living in Smart Homes

by   Nirmalya Thakur, et al.

This work makes multiple scientific contributions to the field of Indoor Localization for Ambient Assisted Living in Smart Homes. First, it presents a Big-Data driven methodology that studies the multimodal components of user interactions and analyzes the data from Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons and BLE scanners to detect a user's indoor location in a specific activity-based zone during Activities of Daily Living. Second, it introduces a context independent approach that can interpret the accelerometer and gyroscope data from diverse behavioral patterns to detect the zone-based indoor location of a user in any Internet of Things (IoT)-based environment. These two approaches achieved performance accuracies of 81.36 on a dataset. Third, it presents a methodology to detect the spatial coordinates of a user's indoor position that outperforms all similar works in this field, as per the associated root mean squared error - one of the performance evaluation metrics in ISO/IEC18305:2016- an international standard for testing Localization and Tracking Systems. Finally, it presents a comprehensive comparative study that includes Random Forest, Artificial Neural Network, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, k-NN, Gradient Boosted Trees, Deep Learning, and Linear Regression, to address the challenge of identifying the optimal machine learning approach for Indoor Localization.


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