Multilingual End-to-End Speech Translation
In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework for multilingual end-to-end speech translation (ST), in which speech utterances in source languages are directly translated to the desired target languages with a universal sequence-to-sequence architecture. While multilingual models have shown to be useful for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and machine translation (MT), this is the first time they are applied to the end-to-end ST problem. We show the effectiveness of multilingual end-to-end ST in two scenarios: one-to-many and many-to-many translations with publicly available data. We experimentally confirm that multilingual end-to-end ST models significantly outperform bilingual ones in both scenarios. The generalization of multilingual training is also evaluated in a transfer learning scenario to a very low-resource language pair. All of our codes and the database are publicly available to encourage further research in this emergent multilingual ST topic.