Multi-step planning with learned effects of (possibly partial) action executions
In this paper, we propose an affordance model, which is built on Conditional Neural Processes, that can predict effect trajectories given objects, action or effect information at any time. Affordances are represented in a latent representation that combines object, action and effect channels. This model allows us to make predictions of intermediate effects expected to be obtained from partial action executions, and this capability is used to make multi-step plans that include partial actions in order to achieve goals. We first show that our model can make accurate continuous effect predictions. We compared our model with a recent LSTM-based effect predictor using an existing dataset that includes lever-up actions. Next, we showed that our model can generate accurate effect predictions for push and grasp actions. Finally, we showed that our system can generate successful multi-step plans in order to bring objects to desired positions. Importantly, the proposed system generated more accurate and effective plans with partial action executions compared to plans that only consider full action executions. Although continuous effect prediction and multi-step planning based on learning affordances have been studied in the literature, continuous affordance and effect predictions have not been utilized in making accurate and fine-grained plans.