Multi-Singer: Fast Multi-Singer Singing Voice Vocoder With A Large-Scale Corpus

by   Rongjie Huang, et al.

High-fidelity multi-singer singing voice synthesis is challenging for neural vocoder due to the singing voice data shortage, limited singer generalization, and large computational cost. Existing open corpora could not meet requirements for high-fidelity singing voice synthesis because of the scale and quality weaknesses. Previous vocoders have difficulty in multi-singer modeling, and a distinct degradation emerges when conducting unseen singer singing voice generation. To accelerate singing voice researches in the community, we release a large-scale, multi-singer Chinese singing voice dataset OpenSinger. To tackle the difficulty in unseen singer modeling, we propose Multi-Singer, a fast multi-singer vocoder with generative adversarial networks. Specifically, 1) Multi-Singer uses a multi-band generator to speed up both training and inference procedure. 2) to capture and rebuild singer identity from the acoustic feature (i.e., mel-spectrogram), Multi-Singer adopts a singer conditional discriminator and conditional adversarial training objective. 3) to supervise the reconstruction of singer identity in the spectrum envelopes in frequency domain, we propose an auxiliary singer perceptual loss. The joint training approach effectively works in GANs for multi-singer voices modeling. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of OpenSinger and show that Multi-Singer improves unseen singer singing voices modeling in both speed and quality over previous methods. The further experiment proves that combined with FastSpeech 2 as the acoustic model, Multi-Singer achieves strong robustness in the multi-singer singing voice synthesis pipeline. Samples are available at


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