Multi-Matrix Verifiable Computation

by   Yan He, et al.

The problem of securely outsourcing computation to cloud servers has attracted a large amount of attention in recent years. The verifiable computation of Gennaro, Gentry, Parno (Crypto'10) allows a client to verify the server's computation of a function with substantially less time than performing the outsourced computation from scratch. In a multi-function model (Parno, Raykova, Vaikuntanathan; TCC'12) of verifiable computation, the process of encoding function and the process of preparing input are decoupled such that any client can freely submit a computation request on its input, without having to generate an encoding of the function in advance. In this paper, we propose a multi-matrix verifiable computation scheme that allows the secure outsourcing of the matrix functions over a finite field. Our scheme is outsourceable. When it is used to outsource m linear functions, the scheme is roughly m times faster and has less communication cost than the previously best known scheme by Fiore and Gennaro (CCS'12), both in the client-side computation and in the server-side computation. We also show the cost saving with detailed implementations.


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