Multi-Centroid Hyperdimensional Computing Approach for Epileptic Seizure Detection

by   Una Pale, et al.

Long-term monitoring of patients with epilepsy presents a challenging problem from the engineering perspective of real-time detection and wearable devices design. It requires new solutions that allow continuous unobstructed monitoring and reliable detection and prediction of seizures. A high variability in the electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns exists among people, brain states, and time instances during seizures, but also during non-seizure periods. This makes epileptic seizure detection very challenging, especially if data is grouped under only seizure and non-seizure labels. Hyperdimensional (HD) computing, a novel machine learning approach, comes in as a promising tool. However, it has certain limitations when the data shows a high intra-class variability. Therefore, in this work, we propose a novel semi-supervised learning approach based on a multi-centroid HD computing. The multi-centroid approach allows to have several prototype vectors representing seizure and non-seizure states, which leads to significantly improved performance when compared to a simple 2-class HD model. Further, real-life data imbalance poses an additional challenge and the performance reported on balanced subsets of data is likely to be overestimated. Thus, we test our multi-centroid approach with three different dataset balancing scenarios, showing that performance improvement is higher for the less balanced dataset. More specifically, up to 14 an unbalanced test set with 10 times more non-seizure than seizure data. At the same time, the total number of sub-classes is not significantly increased compared to the balanced dataset. Thus, the proposed multi-centroid approach can be an important element in achieving a high performance of epilepsy detection with real-life data balance or during online learning, where seizures are infrequent.


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