Muffin: A Framework Toward Multi-Dimension AI Fairness by Uniting Off-the-Shelf Models

by   Yi Sheng, et al.

Model fairness (a.k.a., bias) has become one of the most critical problems in a wide range of AI applications. An unfair model in autonomous driving may cause a traffic accident if corner cases (e.g., extreme weather) cannot be fairly regarded; or it will incur healthcare disparities if the AI model misdiagnoses a certain group of people (e.g., brown and black skin). In recent years, there have been emerging research works on addressing unfairness, and they mainly focus on a single unfair attribute, like skin tone; however, real-world data commonly have multiple attributes, among which unfairness can exist in more than one attribute, called 'multi-dimensional fairness'. In this paper, we first reveal a strong correlation between the different unfair attributes, i.e., optimizing fairness on one attribute will lead to the collapse of others. Then, we propose a novel Multi-Dimension Fairness framework, namely Muffin, which includes an automatic tool to unite off-the-shelf models to improve the fairness on multiple attributes simultaneously. Case studies on dermatology datasets with two unfair attributes show that the existing approach can achieve 21.05 first attribute while it makes the second attribute unfair by 1.85 other hand, the proposed Muffin can unite multiple models to achieve simultaneously 26.32 meanwhile, it obtains 5.58


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