Modulation instability gain and localized waves by modified Frenkel-Kontorova model of higher order nonlinearity

by   Alphonse Houwe, et al.

In this paper, modulation instability and nonlinear supratransmission are investigated in a one-dimensional chain of atoms using cubic-quartic nonlinearity coefficients. As a result, we establish the discrete nonlinear evolution equation by using the multi-scale scheme. To calculate the modulation instability gain, we use the linearizing scheme. Particular attention is given to the impact of the higher nonlinear term on the modulation instability. Following that, full numerical integration was performed to identify modulated wave patterns, as well as the appearance of a rogue wave. Through the nonlinear supratransmission phenomenon, one end of the discrete model is driven into the forbidden bandgap. As a result, for driving amplitudes above the supratransmission threshold, the solitonic bright soliton and modulated wave patterns are satisfied. An important behavior is observed in the transient range of time of propagation when the bright solitonic wave turns into a chaotic solitonic wave. These results corroborate our analytical investigations on the modulation instability and show that the one-dimensional chain of atoms is a fruitful medium to generate long-lived modulated waves.


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