Modularity and Separate Compilation in Logic Programming

by   Steven Holte, et al.

The ability to compose code in a modular fashion is important to the construction of large programs. In the logic programming setting, it is desirable that such capabilities be realized through logic-based devices. We describe an approach for doing this here. In our scheme a module corresponds to a block of code whose external view is mediated by a signature. Thus, signatures impose a form of hiding that is explained logically via existential quantifications over predicate, function and constant names. Modules interact through the mechanism of accumulation that translates into conjoining the clauses in them while respecting the scopes of existential quantifiers introduced by signatures. We show that this simple device for statically structuring name spaces suffices for realizing features related to code scoping for which the dynamic control of predicate definitions was earlier considered necessary. The module capabilities we present have previously been implemented via the compile-time inlining of accumulated modules. This approach does not support separate compilation. We redress this situation by showing how each distinct module can be compiled separately and inlining can be realized by a later, complementary and equally efficient linking phase.


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