Model checking: the interval way

by   Alberto Molinari, et al.

[...] The most famous MC techniques were developed from the late 80s, bearing in mind the well-known "point-based" temporal logics LTL and CTL. However, while the expressiveness of such logics is beyond doubt, there are some properties we may want to check that are inherently "interval-based" and thus cannot be expressed by point-based temporal logics, e.g., "the proposition p has to hold in at least an average number of system states in a given computation sector". Here interval temporal logics (ITLs) come into play, providing an alternative setting for reasoning about time. Such logics deal with intervals, instead of points, as their primitive entities: this feature gives them the ability of expressing temporal properties, such as actions with duration, accomplishments, and temporal aggregations, which cannot be dealt with in standard point-based logics. The Halpern and Shoham's modal logic of time intervals (HS, for short) is one of the most famous ITLs: it features one modality for each of the 13 possible ordering relations between pairs of intervals, apart from equality. In this thesis we focus our attention on MC based on HS, in the role of property specification language, for which a little work has been done if compared to MC for point-based temporal logics. [...]


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