Mitigating Bias: Enhancing Image Classification by Improving Model Explanations

by   Raha Ahmadi, et al.

Deep learning models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in learning complex patterns and concepts from training data. However, recent findings indicate that these models tend to rely heavily on simple and easily discernible features present in the background of images rather than the main concepts or objects they are intended to classify. This phenomenon poses a challenge to image classifiers as the crucial elements of interest in images may be overshadowed. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to address this issue and improve the learning of main concepts by image classifiers. Our central idea revolves around concurrently guiding the model's attention toward the foreground during the classification task. By emphasizing the foreground, which encapsulates the primary objects of interest, we aim to shift the focus of the model away from the dominant influence of the background. To accomplish this, we introduce a mechanism that encourages the model to allocate sufficient attention to the foreground. We investigate various strategies, including modifying the loss function or incorporating additional architectural components, to enable the classifier to effectively capture the primary concept within an image. Additionally, we explore the impact of different foreground attention mechanisms on model performance and provide insights into their effectiveness. Through extensive experimentation on benchmark datasets, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach in improving the classification accuracy of image classifiers. Our findings highlight the importance of foreground attention in enhancing model understanding and representation of the main concepts within images. The results of this study contribute to advancing the field of image classification and provide valuable insights for developing more robust and accurate deep-learning models.


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