Minimum degree conditions for rainbow triangles

by   Victor Falgas--Ravry, et al.

Let 𝐆:=(G_1, G_2, G_3) be a triple of graphs on a common vertex set V of size n. A rainbow triangle in 𝐆 is a triple of edges (e_1, e_2, e_3) with e_i∈ G_i for each i and {e_1, e_2, e_3} forming a triangle in V. In this paper we consider the following question: what triples of minimum degree conditions (Ξ΄(G_1), Ξ΄(G_2), Ξ΄(G_3)) guarantee the existence of a rainbow triangle? This may be seen as a minimum degree version of a problem of Aharoni, DeVos, de la Maza, Montejanos and Ε Γ‘mal on density conditions for rainbow triangles, which was recently resolved by the authors. We establish that the extremal behaviour in the minimum degree setting differs strikingly from that seen in the density setting, with discrete jumps as opposed to continuous transitions. Our work leaves a number of natural questions open, which we discuss.


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