Minimum Bayes Risk Training of RNN-Transducer for End-to-End Speech Recognition
In this work, we propose minimum Bayes risk (MBR) training of RNN-Transducer (RNN-T) for end-to-end speech recognition. Specifically, initialized with a RNN-T trained model, MBR training is conducted via minimizing the expected edit distance between the reference label sequence and on-the-fly generated N-best hypothesis. We also introduce a heuristic to incorporate an external neural network language model (NNLM) in RNN-T beam search decoding and explore MBR training with the external NNLM. Experimental results demonstrate an MBR trained model outperforms a RNN-T trained model substantially and further improvements can be achieved if trained with an external NNLM. Our best MBR trained system achieves absolute character error rate (CER) reductions of 1.2 and 0.5 convolution and transformer based RNN-T baseline trained on 21,000 hours of speech.