Minimizing Embedding Distortion with Weighted Bigraph Matching in Reversible Data Hiding
For a required payload, the existing reversible data hiding (RDH) methods always expect to reduce the embedding distortion as much as possible, such as by utilizing a well-designed predictor, taking into account the carrier-content characteristics, and/or improving modification efficiency etc. However, due to the diversity of natural images, it is actually very hard to accurately model the statistical characteristics of natural images, which has limited the practical use of traditional RDH methods that rely heavily on the content characteristics. Based on this perspective, instead of directly exploiting the content characteristics, in this paper, we model the embedding operation on a weighted bipartite graph to reduce the introduced distortion due to data embedding, which is proved to be equivalent to a graph problem called as minimum weight maximum matching (MWMM). By solving the MWMM problem, we can find the optimal histogram shifting strategy under the given condition. Since the proposed method is essentially a general embedding model for the RDH, it can be utilized for designing an RDH scheme. In our experiments, we incorporate the proposed method into some related works, and, our experimental results have shown that the proposed method can significantly improve the payload-distortion performance, indicating that the proposed method could be desirable and promising for practical use and the design of RDH schemes.