Micro-Expression Recognition Based on Attribute Information Embedding and Cross-modal Contrastive Learning
Facial micro-expressions recognition has attracted much attention recently. Micro-expressions have the characteristics of short duration and low intensity, and it is difficult to train a high-performance classifier with the limited number of existing micro-expressions. Therefore, recognizing micro-expressions is a challenge task. In this paper, we propose a micro-expression recognition method based on attribute information embedding and cross-modal contrastive learning. We use 3D CNN to extract RGB features and FLOW features of micro-expression sequences and fuse them, and use BERT network to extract text information in Facial Action Coding System. Through cross-modal contrastive loss, we embed attribute information in the visual network, thereby improving the representation ability of micro-expression recognition in the case of limited samples. We conduct extensive experiments in CASME II and MMEW databases, and the accuracy is 77.82 experiments show that this method has better recognition effect than other methods for micro-expression recognition.