MFL-YOLO: An Object Detection Model for Damaged Traffic Signs

by   Tengyang Chen, et al.

Traffic signs are important facilities to ensure traffic safety and smooth flow, but may be damaged due to many reasons, which poses a great safety hazard. Therefore, it is important to study a method to detect damaged traffic signs. Existing object detection techniques for damaged traffic signs are still absent. Since damaged traffic signs are closer in appearance to normal ones, it is difficult to capture the detailed local damage features of damaged traffic signs using traditional object detection methods. In this paper, we propose an improved object detection method based on YOLOv5s, namely MFL-YOLO (Mutual Feature Levels Loss enhanced YOLO). We designed a simple cross-level loss function so that each level of the model has its own role, which is beneficial for the model to be able to learn more diverse features and improve the fine granularity. The method can be applied as a plug-and-play module and it does not increase the structural complexity or the computational complexity while improving the accuracy. We also replaced the traditional convolution and CSP with the GSConv and VoVGSCSP in the neck of YOLOv5s to reduce the scale and computational complexity. Compared with YOLOv5s, our MFL-YOLO improves 4.3 and 5.1 in F1 scores and mAP, while reducing the FLOPs by 8.9 map visualization shows that our model can better focus on the local details of the damaged traffic signs. In addition, we also conducted experiments on CCTSDB2021 and TT100K to further validate the generalization of our model.


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