Medical Face Masks and Emotion Recognition from the Body: Insights from a Deep Learning Perspective

by   Nikolaos Kegkeroglou, et al.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly changed the standards and affected all aspects of our lives, especially social life. It has forced people to extensively wear medical face masks, in order to prevent transmission. This face occlusion can strongly irritate emotional reading from the face and urges us to incorporate the whole body for emotion recognition, as it needs to play a more major role, despite its complementary nature. In this paper, we want to conduct insightful studies about the effect of face occlusion on emotion recognition performance, and showcase the superiority of full body input over plain masked face. We utilize a deep learning model based on the Temporal Segment Network framework and aspire to fully overcome the consequences of the face mask. Although single RGB stream models can adapt and learn both facial and bodily features, this may lead to irrelevant information confusion. By processing those features separately and fusing their preliminary prediction scores with a late fusion scheme, we are more effectively taking advantage of both modalities. This architecture can also naturally support temporal modeling, by mingling information among neighboring segment frames. Experimental results suggest that spatial structure plays a more important role for an emotional expression, while temporal structure is complementary.


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